Website Maintenance

Develop ROI’s website maintenance team ensures your website stays up-to-date, secure and running smoothly with regular updates and troubleshooting.

Software Updates

Keeping your website's software and plugins up-to-date is important for security and performance. It also ensures that your website is compatible with the latest technology and features.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Our servers are storing backups in the cloud as well as locally to ensure that your website can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster or technical issue. Whether there is an issue at our server location, or locally, you don't have to worry because we store multiple backups of your site that can be accessed in a number of ways.


Website security is crucial to protect your website and its users from malware, hackers, and other cyber threats. This includes regular security scans, firewall protection, and intrusion detection.

Performance Monitoring

By regularly monitoring your website's performance, including its speed and responsiveness, we can help identify and address any issues that may affect the user's experience.

Content Updates

Regularly updating the website's content is important to keep it fresh and relevant, and to ensure that it is optimized for search engines.

User Experience Optimization

Regularly optimizing the user experience of the website is important to keep it relevant and easy to use.

Keeping Your Website Up-to-Date and Secure

Maintaining a website is crucial to ensuring it performs at the highest level possible, stays secure, and meets the needs of your visitors. At Develop ROI, we understand the importance of website maintenance and offer a range of services to keep your website running smoothly.

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